SMS info

SMS info

Get the information about the balance and turnover on your account, usage of cards, exchange rates and basic information about the Bank at all times, simply and swiftly.

If you have a mobile phone and a transaction account in OTP banka, you can access the information 24 hours a day via SMS info service, from any place covered by a GSM network. This service is supported by all mobile service providers in Croatia.


What is SMS info?

The SMS info is a mobile phone service providing you an access to the following information:

  • balance and turnover of your accounts,
  • use of your bank cards,
  • authorised and remaining limit on your credit cards,
  • foreign exchange rates,
  • basic information about the Bank.

Types of services

Depending on the information you need, you can contract both services, or just one of them:

  • SMS account control - insight into the changes to the account.
    By contracting this service the Bank will send you a text message about the available balance of the chosen account following the posted changes twice a day (subject to certain conditions). This way you can monitor the balance of your accounts in LCY or FCY. You can choose the accounts you want to monitor closely. If you do not wish to be informed about each change to your account, there is an option whereby you can choose the amount that triggers the message sending.
  • SMS control of bank card use - overview of all transactions made by your bank cards.
    The Bank will notify you immediately by sending an automatic SMS containing the information about the authorisation of a cash withdrawal transaction at an ATM or payment of goods at a point of sale. This way you can efficiently control own expenses, but also detect any unauthorised usage of your card in the shortest time possible.
  • SMS replies (interactive SMS) - You can send an SMS query and get the information you need at all times.
    This service provides access to information at own SMS request. Just send an SMS request if you urgently require information about the turnover on your accounts, applicable exchange rate, authorised and current limits on your credit cards, IBAN, or if you are interested in the basic data about the Bank.

Using SMS info service

If you have contracted SMS account control or SMS bank card use control services, you will receive automatic texts from the Bank, subject to changes to the account or performed transaction.
SMS reply service is an interactive service, which means that it implies sending of a query in the form of a code and determined parameters. Once the Bank receives your query, it will send you the required information in the form of a text message in the shortest time possible.


The telephone number to which you can send your queries is the same, regardless of your mobile service provider:

GSM operators T-Mobile, Vip, TELE2, Tomato
Telephone number to send SMS to 814636


Codes and parameters of possible SMS queries

SZR HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Balance of the transaction account. Together with the code, you should type the account number in IBAN format.
UPL HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total amount deposited the previous business day. Together with the code, you should type the account number in IBAN format.
ISP HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total amount withdrawn the previous business day. Together with the code, you should type the account number in IBAN format.
EUR HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn FCY account balance. Together with the code, you should type the account number. Example for EUR account in IBAN format.
UPL USD HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total amount deposited the previous business day. Example for EUR currency. Together with the code, you should type the account number in IBAN format.
ISP USD HRnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Total amount withdrawn the previous business day. Example for EUR currency. Together with the code, you should type the account number in IBAN format.
VCB nnnn Authorised credit on the card; monthly cash limit; daily cash limit; total available amount; total available cash; Collection date
Last four digits of your Visa card PAN number must be typed in places marked "n" in case you wish to get the information about the particular Visa card.
IBA 11nnnnnnnn IBAN of the transaction account. Accounts can have the following prefixes: 11, 13, 14, 15 and 18.
INF OTP Basic information about OTP banka. (registered office, transaction account, swift code)
AUD Exchange rate for 1 Australian dollar
CAD Exchange rate for 1 Canadian dollar
CZK Exchange rate for one Czech koruna
DKK Exchange rate for one Danish krone
HUF Exchange rate for one hundred Hungarian forints
JPY Exchange rate for one hundred Japanese yens
NOK Exchange rate for one Norwegian krone
SEK Exchange rate for one Swedish krona
CHF Exchange rate for one Swiss frank
GBP Exchange rate for one British pound
USD Exchange rate for one US dollar
PLN Exchange rate for one Polish zloty
BAM Exchange rate for one Bosnian marka

Note:  - When in addition to the code there is also the query parameter, there must be a space typed between them, as shown in the code and parameters chart for possible queries.