For many years OTP banka d.d. has with particular attention nurtured social responsibility by which we contribute to our impacts on society, the environment and the economy. The bank operates on the principles of social responsibility, visible above all in responsible and transparent business, from product development, loans approval to savings and risk management, but also through investments by which we strive to contribute to the economic and social development of the communities in which we operate, specifically due to its regional character. OTP bank d.d. encourages and maintains constant dialogue with its stakeholders, aware that its business affects the standard, opportunities, business, and quality of life of its employees, clients and suppliers.
With the aim of integrating ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria into its operations and developing sustainable financing, the bank has established a separate Department for Sustainable Development and is developing an ESG strategy to enable the development of sustainable financing.
The bank regularly publishes disclosures about its impacts in the annual Sustainability Report and other regulatory reports, and transparently publishes documents in accordance with other regulatory requirements.
OTP banka d.d. comprised its social responsibility projects and investments in the community under the brand Green Light for sports, education, science, culture, health, entrepreneurship...
If you have a request for a donation or sponsorship, write to us at
Commitment to the sustainable development of OTP banka d.d. it is also proven by its membership in relevant organizations such as the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development. We procure all electricity exclusively from renewable sources by purchasing ZelEn by HEP Opskrba and by producing electricity from our own solar power plants in Zadar, Dubrovnik and Pula.
OTP banka d.d. implements the OTP Group Environmental and Social Risk Management Framework which outlines the principles, scope and provisions under Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for the entire OTP Banking Group. ESMS establishes sound objectives, well-defined procedures and responsibilities used to identify, manage and reduce possible negative environmental and social impacts that may occur from the financing of clients and their business operations.
Via email:, you can submit your inquiries, questions or concerns related to the environmental & social matters in cases where you consider OTP banka d.d. to be involved either by financing a certain project or in any other similar manner.