You need bank services?

You need bank services?

The account with OTP banka enables you to manage your finances simply and efficiently and at the same time you can avail yourself of an additional range of products and services. 

Use our Visa Electron, Mastercard debit card or Mastercard contactless debit card!  

Visa ElectronMastercard debitMastercard contactless



Make your banking even easier - choose OTP package

Complying with your needs and wishing to enable you easier and faster banking, along with significant saving, we have created different packages of services, tailored just for you. Opting for the OTP package, you even save money, because a single monthly fee charged for such a package is lower than the fees you would be paying for using individual products.


OTP packages

Mobile and internet banking, SMS info is what you need to have your bank with you at all times, and to manage your finances in a modern, simple and accessible way!